Saturday, August 14, 2010

Cameras a lasting passion

Me Zenit-E and Pity (1983)
Me Zenit-E and Pity by RaúlM.

Around '83 I bought my first SLR, the Zenit-E I'm holding on the above picture.
I took great pictures with that camera.
At the time it was the only SLR that I could afford.

When I started collecting cameras I had a project, to recover or substitute all the cameras that I have had.

So as part of the project and as I didn't remember to whom I had sold that camera, I bought a replacement

Zenit-E Olympic edition
Zenit-E Olympic edition by RaúlM. 

Zenit-E Olympic edition
Helios 44-2 F=58 1:2, pre-set diaphragm.
Focal plane shutter, cloth curtains in horizontal transit, 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500 and B
Uncoupled selenium light meter

Mine wasn't the Olympic edition, but it's close enough.

But I was dreaming of a Nikon but it took me two more years to have one

Me and Nikon EL2

Tomorrow I'll tell you more about it and other cameras I had.

Stay tuned (o;


  1. É uma maravilha.
    O único senão é a indicação do fotómetro, por agulhas coincidentes, que, com pouca luz, são invisíveis.

  2. Great camera, with a great lens: Helios 44-2 is UNIQUE!

  3. Olá Raul, boa história.
    Também tenho uma grande paixão pela fotografia, mas ainda estou só começando.
    Hoje chegou minha Zenit EM, e é minha primeira SLR também.
    Estou bastante ansioso para usa-la mas ainda não domino muito bem a mecânica.
    Se tiver alguma dica a compartilhar,ficaria feliz.

    Parabéns pela coleção, ainda estou começando a minha.
