My collection

Saturday, January 8, 2011

My cameras on display

Finally most of my cameras came out of the closet (0;
I was inspired by Jamie.
I went to Ikea to buy some rechargeable batteries and came out with the batteries, a pair of Billy bookcases with the matching glass doors and the top lights.
With the help of my wife... TA-DA!

My collection on display
View from left
My collection on display
View from right

Not so TA-DA, it took us an entire afternoon to assemble it.
And I had to go back, to buy some extra glass racks and those nice led lights, that took a couple of hours to install.
Then it came the difficult part, find all the cameras and decide how to display them.

In short I've been having a good time...but, I think I need at least another Billy (o;
I still have a good deal of cameras that deserve this kind of exposure.

This are some of my treasures:


My father's camera (Halina 35x Super), the camera that my grandparents took to their honeymoon (Ica Minimum Palmos), my first camera (Ferrania 1014) and so on.


On the top rack, my TLR cameras and some oddballs.
On the lower one my father-in-law Canon P two Leicas, a Contaflex with accessories and a Contarex.

In my mind this is Hans territory:

Agfa Isolettes

Folders Galore

Nikon has its place:


and so does Canon:


But, I have to be very careful:

Red Army

The Red army is lurking in the dark (o;

I will came back to this when I complete it with another Billy bookcase.

Stay tuned (o;